About Us

We started our company in late 2019 when we found out we were expecting our first little one. Life has changed greatly since then and we are incredibly grateful to all our customers along the way. We have since grown our family and we hope we can create a business to hand down to our kids. Our name and reputation matter to us. 

Hi, I'm Hunter

About Me

The head of the family and business, we love Hunter and know you will too! Hard work is nothing new to him, from the oil fields to the roof tops, sitting still is not an option.

(406) 203-2482 

Hi, I'm Meghan

About Me

The behind the scenes girl. If you get an email it's 99.9% from Meghan! Here to help and always looking for ways to make our customers happier. 

People often ask us why we started a roofing business and the answer is best told with a good story. The summer after college I needed a job to get me from graduation to the Fall when I would start a job at the hospital in Missoula; I scrolled through Craigslist and saw an ad for a roof laborer position and it paid $16 an hour and I thought, boy howdy that is a deal! One summer, lots of sunburn and a stronger back later I headed to Missoula to start my 'adult job,' and as God would have it the apartment complex behind mine was being roofed the day I moved in. My Dad being the funny guy he is hollered up at the roofers that I could help them get it done faster. I came home to a business card stuck in my apartment door and I helped them roof until my job at the clinic started. I always kept his number in my phone and a few years later I had it when Hunter and I were looking for a new direction to take. Every once and awhile I get the itch to get off the computer and back on the roof, but after a tear off with Hunter I officially hung up my roofing boots! And now here we are in our 4th year of business on our own, learning and growing -- and always grateful.

(406) 203-7076